Help Save Open Space!
This unique open space should be preserved as was planned in the Santa Monica Mountains Land Protection Plan. Preservation of this mountainside as natural open space would: protect wildlife including mountain lion habitat, preserve our vanishing protected sensitive coastal habitat, and forever protect this mountainside’s pristine scenic values.
Why the Opportunity to Buy Edge’s Three Malibu Properties is Vital
Over the course of twenty years, a single celebrity amassed 430 acres of Malibu’s finest large coastal view properties. Each of the three holdings that make up the 430 acres has gone forward in development processes for multi-estate compounds. To date, push back from local officials, environmental groups, and even the courts has thwarted these development efforts only because they pushed the envelopes of local coastal plans. This year’s State budget surplus may offer the only time to add these three coast gem properties to the public ledger before the ownership is broken apart leading to near-certain development fates from new, less ambitious owners. The time is now amid the Governor’s 30 x 2030 campaign to secure these 430 acres in the heart of Malibu in one fell swoop. The three property clusters have long been high priority acquisitions for the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy because they optimally tie together a unique mix of State, local, and federal parklands. The owner is willing to sell the 430 acres to a public agency.
Each of the three land holdings plugs an otherwise topographically impossible gap to fill in the Santa Monica Mountain’s 60-mile-long coastal slope trail. The 430 acres are multi-benefit projects that support species strongholds while simultaneously providing additional public use without any degradation to the ecosystem. Ironically, the new coast slope trail sections would be the current dirt roads that would otherwise provide development access. Furthermore, each provides world class viewsheds to public beaches, Pacific Coast Highway, and existing public coastal trails. Development on these properties cannot be hidden and tucked away. They are irreplaceable public resources that will benefit millions of people annually.
Call For Action:
People need to contact Senator Stern and Assemblymember Bloom and support this whole 430 acre acquisition.
Act now and help save this major pristine Malibu mountainside from development! People do have Power! “Resistance” through Action!
Senator Stern: Capitol Office: (916) 651-4027. Calabasas Office: (818) 876-3352
Assemblymember Bloom: Capitol Office:(916) 319-2050. Santa Monica Office: (310) 450-0041
This mountainside view is cherished by the millions of annual coastal visitors, surfers at historic Surfrider Beach, national park visitors, and Malibu residents.