Bob is the son of a Canadian grain farmer. His grandfather came here from Scotland on a sailing ship, with his family and spent the rest of their lives as pioneer’s in the wilds of northern Ontario, Canada. They lived in a place called Couttsville. Bob was born in Michigan and was another kind of pioneer at Oakland University where he majored in Physics. He was a member of the first class to graduate from OU and so helped pioneer what was to follow there for others.
The Los Angeles Unified School system came to Detroit looking for teachers and hired him on the spot, a month after graduation. He was employed as a Physics Teacher at Van Nuys High School for 40 years. After a few years in the classroom he began designing and leading educational workshops and summer programs for science teachers for UCLA, USC and CSUN. He was a research fellow at USC, Stanford and Princeton University, as a result of winning Fellowships from The Woodrow Wilson Foundation, NASA, the NSF and The Research Corporation.
Since retiring from the classroom, he has become a writer, a photographer and an artist. Also, he is now a supervisor of student teachers of secondary science at CSUN. Bob is the treasurer of SOS.